Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another trip to Cookie Cutters!!

So on saturday Braxton got another hair cut!! He did ok he still just cries when they turn the clippers on but for the most part he did great now me on the other hand had a hard time with this hair cut....I have never had a hard time but the lady asked us if we wanted to do a 1 or a 2 around the back and sides we have always done a 2 but Ben wanted to do a 1 so we did and as she was shaving it my eyes filled up with tears cause it just looked so short. :( Ben looked at me and was like " babe please dont cry in here it looks good " I do have to admit that once she was all done it looked great he looks like a little STUD!!!!!

1 comment:

Rob and Tracee said...

That little Braxton is so freakin' cute. I just want to squeeze him. We need to see you guys.

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.