Monday, March 8, 2010

****Valentines Day****

This year for Valentines Day Ben and I decided we were not going to get eachother anything and just go out to dinner and a movie but my hubby decided that he would give me flowers on saturday the day before Valentines Day since he could say it wasnt for Valentines Day...He is so sweet I love him so much and am so thankful for everything that he does for our family he is so sweet to always surprise me with flowers not just on special days!! I love you babe...but anyways so took Braxton to build a bear for the first time for Valentines and it was so cute watching him pick out what bear he wanted he couldnt decide between a camo one and a black one he ended up going with the black bear... As we waiting to get the bear stuffed I was looking around at all the cute outfits and saw they had a Jazz one so I showed Ben and my mom but we decided we wouldnt show Braxton and just see if he saw it, well sure enough when it was time to pick the outfit he spotted the Jazz one and said " I need that " so that is what he got and names him " Jazz Bear" imagine that!!! :) It was alot of fun and then Ben and I were off to dinner at Red Lobster and a movie while Braxton hung out with Grandma!!!

1 comment:

Corky said...

Yay! It's about time! I've missed seeing what's going on with ya'll! Cute pics!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.