Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valentines Day!!

Here are my pretty flowers that my hubby and little man got me!
Braxton got an Elmo movie from Daddy and Mommy and an Elmo book from Grandma!

Here it all is!!!! :)

Valentines this year was so much fun...we woke up and went out to breakfast with our little man and then we went and delivered Valentines to Bens parents and then to my mom and then to my Grandmas to visit and take her a Valentine. After that we just went home and my sister in laws and mother in law came over and we worked out some family drama that has been going on since October so that was really really nice to get that all worked out and then my mom came over to babysit Braxton and Ben and I headed up to Park City to have dinner at Ruth's Chris ( thanks to Bens parents for the gift card ) oh that place is so yummy but that was our great Valentines this year!!!

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Terra! Your blog is cute. Looks like you had a nice V-day too! I love your kitchen...wish mine were that clean right now! sigh

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.