Monday, May 24, 2010

Playing at the Park!!

Here are a few pictures of Braxton playing at the park...I thought I had more pictures but nope!!! I have been such a slacker on taking pictures I need to get back in my groove. Myabe its because I know they more pictures I take that means the farther and father I am getting on overwelming I need to get going!!!

20 weeks!!!

Here is my belly at 20 weeks!!!!! Half way there!!! Yay!! I was going to try and be better and take and post pictures every 4 weeks but I have not been so good so here is 20 weeks and im going to try and be better and post again at 24 weeks!!! I will be 24 weeks on June 4th!!! We cant wait for this little girl to be here!!!

Daddy and Braxton!

Cute lil Braxton and Daddy at the park getting ready to play some catch!!!! Ben and Braxton are so cute together I just love them both!!!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.