Friday, January 30, 2009

Sleepy Boy!!!

These are some pictures of Braxton last night....He is such a wild sleeper I love to take pictures of him sleeping. So here he is with his new little Elmo that he got last night. He loves Elmo right now...if he see's him in the store or anywhere he just starts yelling " Elmo, Elmo" its so cute. So just thought I would share these cute pictures!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things you do for your kids!!

Braxton has been really sick I took him to the Dr. on monday and he has a ear infection and a really bad cold that they Dr was worried about turning into RSV the way his cough and lungs sounded. But on a good note he is doing better and better each for these pictures. They were taken on sunday before he had been to the Dr so we just thought he had a super bad cold but he wouldnt eat anything except of course if I was feeding him with my fingers...yes I said my here I am feeding Munchie Mac&cheese with my fingers!!!! But hey at least he ate right????

Playing with Daddy!

Look how cute this is!!!! Ben was playing with Braxton on the stairs and Braxton was loving it. Ben is such a great Dad and I am so thankful for that he is always there for me and Braxton and we could never ask for anything more. We love you so much babe!!!

More Please....

I had to post this picture of Braxton at Red Lobster he loves fries and as you can see...ketchup he is such a dipper. He will dip anything!!!

Go Jazz!!

So here is our little Fam supporting our JAZZ!!!! Ben and I went to a Jazz game the other night. Braxton stayed home with Grandma but we still had to have him wear his jazz gear!!!! We Love our Jazz as a matter of fact Ben is going to buy Jazz tickets tonight for the game on saturday. We are playing the Cavs and for the past 4 years we go every year to that game!!!! Go Jazz!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yes im still alive.....

Okay so I know im the worst blogger ever and im super sorry. I just feel like my life has been super crazy with the Holidays and everything. So alot has happend since I posted last. Braxton is walking...well now he is running!!! :) He started walking about a week after his birthday its so much fun to see him get around. He is very much a mama's boy and dont get me wrong I totally love it but it is hard at times when im trying to get stuff done and he is following me around saying " mama mama" it can be hard but I do love it!!! He has been talking alot yeterday while we were driving I said to him " love you" and he said it back and of course I started to cry my little baby is growing up before my eyes. He is at such a fun age right now talking and walking and he is very stubborn and he knows what he wants. For about the past month he has been throwing little temper tantrums and while it is very hard at times it is also very cute to watch! But lets just hope he grows out of those fast. So that is an update on our little man... Ben has been busy with work and we are thankful for that and hope that it keeps up. He also had his 24th birthday yesterday!! It was alot of fun we went to Red Lobster with the family. Now Me....well I have been good just been super busy...well I feel like I have been but that doesnt always mean that I have been... But anyways I have just been working, on Jan 1st I started working from home and I LOVE it and I also have been trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking and it feels so nice to start getting caught up. But here is a quick update on the fam and I will be posting some pictures soon very soon....PROMISE. We hope you all are doing well and I will try to be better at updating this darn thing.

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.