Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just for you Grams....Merry Christmas!!!

My Grandma has always loved snowmen so I thought hey on Christmas we should go to her grave and make her a we just did that! It was so much fun to be there and it was such a wonderful feeling I know my Grandma was there with us. As we were pulling up there was a couple of ducks flying over and Ben said I forgot Grandma had a great duck hunting spot because the day of the funeral there were alot of ducks flying over so we pulled up got out of the truck and walked over to her spot and all of the sudden we look up and there were hundreds of ducks flying over I just thought it was so neat my Grandma loved the out doors and I just thought it was so amazing. Her snowman was just a little guy the snow was really soft so it was hard to make a snowman but we did the best we could he was just little with no eyes and a little bitty carrot nose but I know my Grandma loved it. Merry Christmas Grams I love you so much and think of you every single day!!! Families are FOREVER and I cant wait to see you again!

Santa Clause is coming to town......

Christmas Eve was so much fun!!! We had my Mom and Uncle and my cousins and Bens family over to our house to hang out and eat good food. We laughed and had a good time, also exchanged some gifts!!! My mom always spends the night on Christmas so when everyone left we opened our christmas Eve presents from my mom and they were of course our Christmas pajamas! Braxton's are so cute they say "What Santa doesnt bring Grandma will" so cute and then she got him some cute camo slippers and we got him a Disney Christmas book to open and it was just so much fun this year with Braxton he totally understood that Santa was coming to bring him toys it was just so cute!!!! Christmas eve was alot of fun but I did have a hard time knowing that Christmas morning I wouldnt be getting up to go see my Grandma its so hard with her not here and thinking of all the Christmas tradition we had with her so it was nice to have my mom there and just sit on the couch and talk and cry about my Grandma for a couple of hours...she is so missed by so many. I think about her everyday and how I wish that she was here with us and to see Braxton grow up but I do need to remember that my Grandma is in a MUCH better place and is now pain free I love her with all my heart and this Christmas was just not the same with her not here but I know that she was with us and is watching over my family! I love you Grandma!!!!

Santa didnt miss our house!!!!...Thats for sure!!!!

K this is a picuture overload!!.. It was so much fun this Christmas with Braxton so there are alot of pictures!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We sure did its always fun to hang out with family and have a good time. Braxton would not go to sleep on Christmas Eve he is always a great sleeper but nope he is just like his Daddy and was too excited to sleep he just played and talked in his bed forever he was talking about all the toys he had asked Santa for ( Handy Manny toys, Tractor, and a Barney book ) and singing Jingle Bells it was so cute!!! Well he finally went to bed and we had to go in and wake him up so that we could get all of our visitng done and he was sooo cute and so happy with all he got. He kept saying " Oh look Santa brought this, Thanks Santa" So as you can see he had a great Christmas and had so much fun. Then we went to my sister in laws for breakfast and Grandpa and Grandma had another bag of presents he sooo got spolied this year...:) Oh and I cant forget we have a video for America's funniest home videos!!!! We got Braxton that Arctic Cat prowler thing and we set up all of his toys around it so we could take a picture well after the picture Ben wanted to teach him how to drive it well while doing that Braxton went forward and ran over all of his toys and stood up to see what he had hit and said " Oh shit my toys " it was the funniest thing ever...if I knew how to get the video on here I would!!! But I hope you all had a great Christmas and remembered the true meaning for Christmas and have a great year in 2010!!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

More to come....

So I just got one post on here today... not very much when I have sooo many picutures to post. I thought I would have time right now but nope I have gotta go so LATER I will have more pictures and posts!!!! :)

*** SANTA***

Well I know that Christmas is almost here and im kind of behind on posting pictures!! This was taken the first part of December but as some of you know I lost my sweet Grandma on November 28th so my life has been a little crazy. I have had a really hard time loosing my Grandma she was such a great person and ment the world to me and I miss her sooo much and not one single day has gone by that I dont think about her. She has taught me so much and was such a strong person and has fought hard for so long... I was not ready to let her go but I know that she is happy where she is and is no longer in pain and is enjoying the time with loved ones that were waiting for her...Everyone is so lucky to have her up there with them!! Im so thankful to know that familes are FOREVER and I will see my Grams again but untill then she will always always hold a special place in my heart!!! I love you Grams!!!! So anywho here are some pictures of Braxton with Santa....He loves him every time we go to the mall he has to sit on his lap. I love that he loves him so much and is not scared one bit!!!!!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.