Saturday, February 5, 2011

Braxton James

Here are some random pictures of Braxton and as you will see there are alot of close of pictures of himself....yes he loves to take pictures of himself just like his Daddy, Ben has always taken pictures like this of himself with any camera he can get his hands on and Braxton is the same way it is so funny to me how much Braxton is like his Daddy. I love it. He looks up to Ben so much I love to see how much their realsonship grows and grows each day! He is his Daddys lil sidekick!

Happy Birthday Ben

Jan 14th we celebrated Bens birthday!!! I told him that we were just going to hang out at home and just watch a movie but I had really called all of of his friends to come over and surprise him and he was surprised that is for sure but he had a great night we have great friends. Me my Mom and the kids got Ben the Wii for his birthday he had been wanting one and was so excited. Him and Braxton love playing it together. Happy Birthday Babe I love you sooo very much!

1st Field Trip

We went on Braxtons 1st field trip with his school to the Dinosaur Museum and he loved it and had so much fun he had been once before but he was one so I dont think he remembered it!


Jan 4th was such a big day...Braxton started preschool. He has been asking me to go to school but I was having a hard time finding a achool that would let him come in, in the middle of the year because he missed the deadline because he didnt turn 3 till Nov 20th but I did find one finally and we went and checked it out and we loved it so his first day was Jan 4th and he was sooo excited when Ben and I took him he didnt even cry he just said bye and was good. I was happy but sad that my little guy is growing so fast I always tell him to get get big stay little forever and he says" sorry my I cant its my fault" I love him! He sure does love it so much and looks forward to it. We had to quit telling him at night time that the next day he had school cause he would get so excited he wouldnt go to sleep very good!

Our Sweet baby girl is getting so BIG!!!!

It is so crazy to me how fast they grow!!!! Brylee turned 4 months on Jan 20th and as you can see we tried to give her cereal and she wasnt a fan she didnt like it at different from Braxton he loved it right off the bat and did so good eating it. Not her she didnt like it and she ketpt gagging on it and she didnt quite know how to swallow it! But she is getting so big and is such a good baby we love her so very much she rolls over from her tummy to her back now!!

Brylee got her ears pierced!!!

On Jan 1st we took little Princess Brylee Ann to get her ears pierced...I was sooo nervous I told Ben he was going to have to hold her cause I was too sad. She did pretty good as you can tell by the pictures she didnt like it but she only cried for a second and then was fine and look how pretty she looks with her cute flower earrings!!!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.