Saturday, April 16, 2011

Braxtons First trip to the Dentist!!!

Braxton had his first check up at the dentist and did sooo good. I was so worried but he did good he got right up in the chair and was not scared at all. Im a proud mommy! The check up went well the only this the dentist said was that we need to get rid of the bink....(something I didnt alreayd know) I just feel so bad he only would have it at night time but still it was time we were just thinking of how to do we thought we would take him to Build a Bear and he could stuff inside so that was the plan.....well our plan didnt go through cause about 2 weeks after this the little guy LOST it.....( so he thinks so) we came home one night it was time to go to bed and I had already put Brylee down and we were getting ready to put him down and no bink.....we looked everywhere, I figured it was in Brylee's room but wasnt going to say or go look in there so we told him was gone and he went to bed without it and it has been great he would only ask for it a few time. It was really in Brylees room the next morning before he woke up I went and got it out of there. He is such a big boy now!!!! We took him to the store to pick out some toys for being such a big boy!

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Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.