Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch!!!!!!!!

Braxton had his first trip to the pumpkin patch! It was so much fun we went with my Mom and then Ben's family and Braxton's cousins. We put Braxton in the wheel barrel and it was so cute he just loved it. We got some nice big pumpkins and a small one for munchie. So this next week we will be carving them. Ben wanted me to go buy one of the pumkin carving books so that we could carve some cool ones. We will see how they turn out. I will post so pictures! We cant wait for Haloween this year with Braxton it is going to be so much fun.

Finally Done!!

So last thursday Me,Ben,Braxton and my Mom went and looked at our house and to our surprise it was ALL done!!! We were so happy to see eveything all done and cleaned and it was our first time seeing our carpet. We loved it. So now tomorrow Monday the 20th we have our final walk through then on the 22nd we should be closing. We cant believe it is here. We are so very very excited. He are some more pictures of our house....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Short and Sweet!!!!

Okay so I was going to post some pictures of our little munchie but my camera just died. Sorry I promise I will get back on here soon with some picutures and more updates. Life has just been so crazy. But anyways Braxton is doing great he is growing up so fast he is going to be ONE next how time sure flies when you dont want it too. He is so much fun though and so busy he is all over the place thesen days. We are having a hard time keeping up with him. He just got his 6 hair cut. He still hates but is doing better and better each time. We love you buddy. He has one of his bottom teeth and is getting both of his top fang teeth. He looks like a vampire!!!! So cute I just love it. He has been a great teether. He is the best little boy and we are so thankful to have him he sure is amazing. We love you oh so much and are so thankful to have you in our lives!!! But that is a quick update on things...I know its short but I will be back soon.

Moving day is coming soon....

Here are some pictures of our house that is sure coming along. We should be having our final walk through on the 20th. then get our keys and then time to move in. We are so excited to see our house come along it has been so fun going each day or everyother day and seeing all that has been completed and soon our wait will be over and we will be living in our home! I cant wait.Thanks baby for making this all possible.

Here our the countertops!!!

This is the harwood in the kitchen!!

This is in the master bathroom!

Master bathroom

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.