Friday, August 20, 2010

Gone hunting!!!!

Last week we had to run to sportsmans for Ben to get some last minute hunting stuff and of course on the list was face paint!!! He was sooo excited he couldnt even wait till we got home to test it out he had to paint his face while driving home and so you know what that means his lil sidekick wanted his face painted too!!! :) It was so cute and Braxton loved it he was so mad at us when it was bath time and we needed to wash off his face he said he wanted to leave it on for a long time!!! Ben cant wait till Braxton can go hunting with him and either can Braxton. Ben leave today and he was telling Braxton that he was going and Braxton said " Am I going with Daddy?" It was so cute and Ben hated to tell him no but soon enough he will have his little man with him and they will have so much fun with eachother!! I know Braxton is going to love hunting just like Daddy. Everytime he sees birds flying outside he says "Take em" and hold his hands up like he is holding a gun and makes a shooting noise its sooo cute!!!! Enjoy the pictures!!! I love them!!!

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Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.