Monday, March 23, 2009

Soo sick of...SICK...( Does that make sense?? )

Ugh so I guess I just need to vent... here I am sitting at my kitchen table while my poor little guy is upstairs sleeping he is so sick and has been for what feels like forever and ever...Im so tired of this...I took him to the Dr last wed. because he has had a nasty cold and a nasty cough that was really starting to scare me along with a fever that I couldnt break so I took him in and they said it was just a virus and if it wasnt gone by sat. then to bring him back the week went on and he still was couging then saturday got here and he seemed to be doing much better still coughing a little but not as much, his nose was still running but he seemed fine so we didnt take him in. Then yesterday morning he started to cough really hard while he was in his room so I listened and then he just went back to bed so I didnt think anything of it till he did wake up and I went in there to find that he had thrown up and was laying in it.....I felt soooo bad but I didnt know he had thrown up. So we cleaned him up and he seemed fine he had a smile on his face so Ben and I were thinking that he just coughed so hard that it made him throw up but he was just so grumpy yesterday and then he started to have diarreha so I knew that he wasnt feeling good yet again so we just watched him he wouldnt eat or drink very much but we put him to bed and he slept all night without making a peep so this morning we got ready and off we went in the ugly weather that I HATE and as we were driving he started to cry and he took out his binki so I thought his teeth were hurting since he is getting a ton in right now so I said " buddy do your teeth hurt? ) and he pointed to his mouth and just started to throw up and it just kept coming and coming and he started to choke on was so awful because the roads were so bad and I was trying to pull over that I just lost it and started to cry!!!! Its just so hard to have a sick baby. So I called my work to let them know and have just been home with him trying to get some fluids in him and he refuses so I called the Dr. they said they think it is best to see him so we are going in at 3:30 Im just wondering if all you mothers out there have had alot of sick kids this year it seems so bad this year but I just wanted to see if anyone else is having a problem..... I just want spring and summer to be here so the sickness wont be so so bad. I think it is so hard to be a working mom period but then to have sick kids and have to be home with them and calling into work its just so stressful for me im done with sick...he needs to leave now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to vent I feel so bad for my lil man he is such a champ though sick or not he always has a smile on his cute little face!!!


Aspen said...

Oh Terra...I am in the same boat as you. I have called in sick so many times in the past month that I am very stressed about it myself right now. I just posted again about Brynlie being sick. I'm lucky that she isn't throwing up like Braxton. When I got the email today about you calling in sick I wondered if it was your son. This SUCKS!!!

Corky said...

I feel your pain Terr! Having sick kids is no fun at all! I'm sorry that B is sick again! Boo! It's supposed to get nicer this weekend again, so open up your doors and windows and get all the yuckys out!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.