Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So just wanted to give you all an update to let you know that our lil man is doing much better... I took him to the Dr. yesterday and he said he was really dehydrated and we need to get some fluids in him so he told us to give him 2 oz of fluids every hour and watch him and if he isnt taking it and not having wet diapers then we needed to take him to Primary Childrens...( so not what I wanted to hear) so we got home and he wouldnt drink so we had to give it to him from a syringe and he was taking it ok then we put him to bed and then this morning when he got up his diaper was wet but not very wet so I just kept trying to give him fluids but he was just fighting me which was stressing me out but I did my best and then I took him back to the Dr this afternoon cause the Dr just wanted to check his levels and he said he was hydrated...wahoo!!! So we are on the road to recovery! :) Thank goodness we want our lil man back to his self!!!!


JAB0218 said...

How are things going? I hope he is feeling better. It is so hard to have sick kids.

Jake and Sharee said...

Poor little guy! I hope he gets feeling better soon.

Lauri said...

I'm happy he's doing well! That makes a mom happy!

Braxton 5 days old.

Braxton 5 days old.